Full Stack Developer

HTML | CSS | JS | React | C# | SQL | Event Store | Agile & Scrum

I spent many years as a project manager, but I've always had an interest in coding since starting out writing BASIC on a Commodore VIC20 as a child. In my project management jobs, I found ways to use VBA coding to automate and speed up repetitive tasks. After deciding to change career path, I retrained as a full stack developer with iO Academy, graduating in 2020. I now have three years experience as a software developer.


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Bank Of Mum And Dad

screenshot of bank of mum and dad project

A pocket money management App built for coding practice using .NET Core with C#, and React with TS.

  • An app built for coding practice which provides a simple way to manage pocket money like a bank account.
  • The API is built using .NET Core with C#, Entity Framework and a SQL database.
  • The frontend is built using React with TypeScript.
  • Login is handled with JWT.

Quacking Tooth Timer

screenshot of quacking tooth timer project

A simple timer built for coding practice using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • A timer built for coding practice which provides a fun way to time teeth cleaning.
  • Uses HTML with CSS and JavaScript.
  • SVG is used for the turning timer with calculations made in the JavaScript code.

Office Sign In App - Team Project

screenshot of office sign in project

An App for signing visitors into a building using Slim and React.

  • An App created with fellow iO Academy Students to allow visitors to an office to sign into the building with an iPad.
  • We built a Slim application to run the backend and a React app for the front end.
  • Security of the admin page is handled with JWT.

Academy Portal- Team Project

screenshot of academy portal project

A CRM system for managing applications to iO Academy, built by several cohorts of academy students.

  • We worked on a delete route for the applicant pages and a new application pathway page for a CRM system.
  • Slim PHP framework was used to create routes using Factory and Hydrator patterns combined.
  • JavaScript (ES6) was also used in the front end to fire API routes in the application.

Finance Calculator

screenshot of finance calculator project

A coding exercise to create a basic finance calculator.

  • A basic financial calculator.
  • HTML and Sass were used for static elements, with SVG for the sliders.
  • JavaScript (ES6) was used for dynamic elements and for calculation.

Fast Times Tables

screenshot of fast times tables project

A times tables game coded from my son's design.

  • A project bringing to life my son's idea of a times table game.
  • HTML and CSS used for the static elements, with JavaScript (ES6) for the game engine and dynamic elements.

Aptitude Test - Team Project

screenshot of aptitude test project

A system for delivering apptitude tests for iO Academy, built by several cohorts of academy students.

  • A web app to administer aptitude tests, using HTML and Sass for the UI, with JavaScript (ES6) fetch requests to retrieve data from an API, and handlebars for templating.
  • The project gave us valuable experience of working on an existing codebase, bug fixing, and shifting priorities during a sprint.
  • We worked on updating the test taking part of the app to allow for different tests and test lengths.

Pairs Game - Team Project

screenshot of pairs game project

A game programmed as a practice project with JavaScript.

  • The aim of the game is to match pairs of images. Once two are revealed, if they are not a pair, they are rehidden and the player must try to remember where they are.
  • HTML and CSS were used for static UI elements, with JavaScript (ES6) used for the game engine and dynamic UI elements.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript/TypeScript | Node | React
  • C#
  • PHP | Slim
  • SQL | Entity Framework
  • Event Store
  • Git | GitHub
  • Agile | Scrum
  • Attended 2 day Scrum Master course in 2020